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Privacy policy


The data controller is Ferriera di Cittadella S.p.A. (C.F. 00800140246 – PEC: – e-mail, with registered office in Via Dei Cairoli, 9, Vicenza (36100 -VI).


The processing is aimed at the collection, storage and processing of data to access the specific services of the website and/ or to respond to requests sent by e-mail to the Data Controller.


The processing is carried out with automated tools by the Data Controller. No communication or dissemination is made.


The provision of common personal data referred to in this information is not mandatory but is strictly necessary to respond to requests sent by e-mail to the Data Controller. Any refusal by the data subject to provide the aforementioned personal data, or the incorrect communication of such data, makes it impossible to carry out the requested activities in a complete manner.


Art. 7 of the Code and Reg. EU 2016/679 give the data subject specific rights, including access to their personal data and their provision in an intelligible form; the data subject also has the right to obtain updating, rectification (if erroneous), the integration (if incomplete) or deletion of data (in case of unlawful processing), the portability of data (right to receive or have the data transmitted to another controller in structured format, commonly used and machine readable) revocation of consent (if the legal basis for the processing) the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking/limitation of data processed in violation of the law; the data subject has the right to oppose, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data. With regard to the processing of the data provided, in the event that the Data Subject discovers breaches of privacy legislation, it will have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority. The Data Subject may exercise his rights by making a request to the Data Controller or to the Data Controller (also by asking the latter to receive appropriate forms and/ or the complete list of appointed managers).


In the case of mere requests for information and for each purpose not subject to different and specific information, if it was not legitimately required cancellation/ opposition, the data will be stored only for the period necessary to provide the requested service and, in any case, no later than one year after the last communication of the interested party. The Data Subject may request at any time the immediate interruption of the processing of the data provided.


The legal basis of the processing is found, with reference to the mere requests for information, in the provisions of art. 6 Reg. UE 2016/679 lit. b) and/or in the specific consent of the interested party.